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 DokiDoki 撲通撲通窩和泥 

2022, 7min 17Sec.

The title of the film uses the Japanese Doki Doki because the tone and semantics are resembled strong heartbeat sound. When falling into a relationship, there are many incomprehensible and exaggerated behaviors that are natural to people in love.This animation is intended to show the blindness of people in love through exaggeration, in the hope that the audience can have empathy for people in crazy love.


Director: Mei-wei Cheng/ Script writer: Chia-hua Lin/ Storyboard: Chia-hua Lin, Min Lee/ Animator: Chia-Hua Lin, Min Lee, Ju-yu Chang, Hsuan-ling Lin/ Character Design: Min Lee, Ju-yu Chang, Hsuan-ling Lin/ Sound: Ju-yu Chang, Hsuan-ling Lin/ Music: Chia-hua Lin/ Editing: Ren-yin Yan/ Visual Effects: Ju-yu Chang, Hsuan-ling Lin, Ren-yin Yan/ Background Design: Ren-yin Yan / Producer: Hui-Ching Tseng.

News: 崑大視傳系動畫《Doki Doki》榮獲韓國金浦國際青年影展「卓越獎」


  1.  Excellence Award​, The 5th Gimpo International Youth Film Festival, 19-27 Nov 2022, South Korea.

Official Selection:

  1. MICE-the 12th Mostra Internacional Cinema Education, 6-21 October 2023, Spain.

  2. International Streaming Award, 1 Jun~30 Sept 2023, Italy. 

  3. Festival del Cinema di Cefalù, 1st Sept 2023, Italy.

  4. The 9th Filmy Monks Film Festival, 1-31 July 2023, India.

  5. First-Time Filmmaker Sessions - hosted by Lift-Off Global Network, 15 May 2023, England.

  6. Your Way International Film Festival, 30 April 2023, Malta.

  7. DGIFF the Digital Gate International Film Festival, 1-5 Jan 2023, Algeria.

  8. Khabarovsk International Animation Film Festival "Animur", 30 Sept 2022, Russia.

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